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The Accident Claimline Blog

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Compensation awarded to prison officer forced to leave her profession

A former prison officer, working in a London young offender’s institute, has been forced to quit her job after sustaining a debilitating injury whilst at work.  The officer, who has chosen to remain unnamed, was eventually awarded the sum of £14...


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New Mesothelioma Funding for North East

Government funding has paved the way for a new mesothelioma cancer research centre in the North East of England. Rates of mesothelioma are particularly high in the North East due to the region’s historic links to industry. Asbestos was routinely use...
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1674 Hits

Fire fighter injured in the line of duty

A fire fighter has been awarded an undisclosed amount of compensation from his employer, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, after sustaining a serious injury whilst fighting a fire at a house in Bickleigh, near Exeter.  The serviceman w...


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2120 Hits

£940000 compensation following freak accident

A Manchester man has received £940000 in compensation after taking his employer to court following a freak accident at work.  The accident, that initially seemed innocuous, left the employee with every bone in his wrist broken, rendering him una...


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2148 Hits

Making a Claim for Asbestos Related Death

Before being banned in 1999, asbestos was routinely used in many industries. It was a standard insulating material and was used in manufacturing, electronics and boiler making. For this reason, the workers who are most at risk of contracting an asbes...
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