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The Accident Claimline Blog

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More than five a week bitten by police dogs

New figures have revealed that police dogs bite more than five members of the public every week in London alone.  Figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act found that compensation paid out to those bitten by police dogs has doubled i...
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2313 Hits

Almost a quarter of a million paid out in compensation

Newly released figures have revealed that almost a quarter of a million pounds of taxpayers’ money has been paid out as compensation to children in Leeds over the last five years.  This figure covers money paid out to children that have suffered...
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New app allows cyclists to report potholes instantly

The Cyclists’ Touring Club (CTC) is due to receive £30,000 from Whitehall to improve their website, “Fill That Hole”, and develop a new app to enable cyclists to report potholes at the click of a button.  The new app will provide cyclists in Lee...
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Museum told to improve safety after crush death

After a 7-year-old boy was crushed to death under a ride at a museum last year, the museum has been told to improve its safety dramatically. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have issued the open-air museum in County Durham with an urgent improve...
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Four injured on Alton Towers rollercoaster

Alton Towers' new £18m rollercoaster has caused four injuries after wheels fell off, hitting the passengers in the front carriage.  The 14-loop ‘Smiler’ was opened in May, but has already seen three incidents.  The ride already saw closure ...
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