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The Accident Claimline Blog

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Stafford Hospital may change name following negligence scandal

The NHS Trust due to take over Stafford Hospital is in discussion about whether or not the hospital should be renamed to escape negative connotations following the negligence scandal of last year.  The trust that operates the University Hospital...
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2217 Hits

Custody healthcare is failing

A new report has revealed that the Met Police is severely struggling to provide those in custody with adequate medical assistance.  With the wellbeing of detainees being a “key priority” of The Met’s, it has been agreed that more has to be done....
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2229 Hits

Hospital death could have been avoided

After a radiology specialist accidently cut an artery of a man suffering from high blood pressure, a coroner said that his death could have been “avoided”. 47-year-old Brian Galea, from Preston, was admitted to the Royal Preston Hospital on the 14th ...
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2981 Hits

Secret filming in the NHS reveals worrying treatment of brain injury patients

BBC Newsnight has revealed worryingly low standards of care being provided to patients suffering from brain injuries in NHS hospitals.  Secret footage was passed onto Newsnight by the partner of a brain-injury victim, which showed extreme cases ...
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2321 Hits

Hospital improvements recognised

Since the Keogh Review placed Basildon Hospital under the spotlight for their worryingly high death rates, inspectors have found that vast improvements are actually being made.  The hospital has been heavily scrutinized for the last year after r...
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2463 Hits

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