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The Accident Claimline Blog

Welcome to our blog regarding personal injury claims news and accident claims updates. Contact us for specialist advice from a solicitor today.

Revealed: Britain’s most dangerous roads for accidents and injuries

Revealed: Britain’s most dangerous roads for accidents and injuries Whilst there have been huge improvements in the safety of cars, vans and other vehicles over the past 30 years, 71 people are still killed or badly injured every single day on the Br...
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1801 Hits

Hands free phone call a big factor in fatal road accident

Following a road traffic accident in which a young woman was killed having been hit by a driver who had just finished a hands-free phone call, there have been pleas to motorists to stop making such calls, even though they are perfectly legal. The tra...
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1895 Hits

New campaign launched aimed at reducing accidents and injuries on Hampshire’s roads

Along with many other local authorities and police forces throughout the UK, Hampshire County Council has launched a new campaign to alert and remind drivers and riders of the often lethal contribution that speed – in particular inappropriate levels ...
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1497 Hits

Bad driving habits – do you recognise any of these?

A recent survey ahead of November 2017’s Road Safety Week revealed many of the most common tricks some motorists use in their attempts to stay one step ahead of the law when they are behind the wheel, in particular when involving drinking and driving...
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1581 Hits

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